Paul & Linda McCartneys sang ble skrevet som en reaksjon på hendelsene den blodige søndagen i Londonderry, Nord-Irland 30. januar 1972. Knapt en måned etter 25. februar utga McCartney den første singelen til hans nye band Wings. Den ble straks bannlyst i offisielle media, bl.a. av BBC& Radio Luxembourg.
"From our point of view," sa Paul McCartney, "it was the first time people questioned what we were doing in Ireland. It was so shocking. I wrote 'Give Ireland Back to the Irish', we recorded it and I was promptly 'phoned by the Chairman of EMI, Sir Joseph Lockwood, explaining that they wouldn't release it. He thought it was too inflammatory. I told him that I felt strongly about it and they had to release it. He said, 'Well it'll be banned', and of course it was. I knew 'Give Ireland Back to the Irish' wasn't an easy route, but it just seemed to me to be the time. All of us in Wings felt the same about it. But Henry McCullough's brother who lived in Northern Ireland was beaten up because of it. The thugs found out that Henry was in Wings."'Give ireland back to the irish' skal være den eneste 'politiske' sangen til Paul McCartney. Teksten er ikke stor poesi. Dynamitten ligger i referenget - et enkelt postulat: